What is TCA’s relationship with local parks?
There is no official or legal connection between TCA and California State Parks or the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. We do however maintain a close and cordial relationship with the management of both Topanga State Park and Temescal Gateway Park.

What is TCA’s position regarding the proposed park in Potrero Canyon?
We are appalled that after decades of moving dirt back and forth and spending around fifty million dollars there is still no park in Potrero Canyon. And we understand that the current plan calls for the one entrance to be at the Rec Center with its very limited parking. TCA will continue to advocate that there be adequate access to this very expensive park in the center of our community. 

How difficult are your hikes?
They vary from easy walks to somewhat strenuous treks. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to query the hike leader or leave a message at 310-454-4188.

Can I bring the kids?
Yes, Children accompanied by an adult are welcome.

Can I bring my dog?
No, We love our dogs and they love hiking with us, but TCA hikes are often on State Park trails where dogs, on or off leash, are prohibited.

How do I join TCA?
Visit our Support TCA page for more information on how to join!